Here we go, I finally post some work. Thanks to a whole bunch of people who have helped get me back in the saddle. I am working on getting a comfort level with my new tablet here, for some darned reason Wacom does not have a compatible driver with my old intuos tablet which saddens me greatly. These are sketches for the main character of a story I have been writing about the Templars.
One of the things I run into a lot these days is, people don't read. I am not talking about the quick snippet on the great google machine, or the next greatest post from your favorite influencer, I am talking about literature. With regularity students in my courses, when asked what was the last book they read, will say, "..uh, I don't read." Actually, the response usually is, "you mean books? No." It breaks my heart. Reading is one of the greatest remedies to the stresses of the world. I often have this conversation when students are suffering from artist's block. I tell them they need to step back and read. The look I usually get is like I have just fed them some camphor oil mixed with ipecac... yes, I wrote that. But it's so true. We need to let our minds relax and begin to paint their own pictures. Hard to do that when we are bombarded with images from the google machine all day. Sitting down with a good book allows your mind to disconnect from ...