Across Oceans of Time... in a Galaxy Far, Far, Away
It has been 11 years. When I talk about discipline, I guess I am speaking to myself. So, I used to have this theory that the insanity that is happening in the US of A dates back to 1977. Why? And How? Well you see, as a kid, I remember all of my friends playing, we all wanted to be the hero, the Lone Ranger, or Superman, the good guy. Then, in May of 1977 all of that changed. George Lucas turned us all to the dark side. Suddenly no one gave a rats patoot about being the hero, everyone wanted to be Darth Vader. I mean everyone. No one even cared who Luke Skywalker was. I remember it explicitly. I lived in Bonn, Germany at the time. A New Hope wasn't actually released in Germany until February of 1978, so I had heard about Star Wars, but didn't get to see it until early '78. The following weekend on the playground at recess, everyone wanted to be Darth Vader. I remember it so vividly because we were all running around breathing into the cold air and feeling that being able ...